Narasumber : Bp. Agus Adi Hidayat, STP., MT
Kepala Bidang Infrastruktur jalan PU Bina Marga Kab. Sumenep
Tanggal : 16 Juli 2019
Tempat : Graha Sumekar Univ. Wiraraja
Semoga Seminar ini bermanfaat kepada Mahasiswa sebagai bekal melaksanakan Praktek Kerja Lapangan
Seminar “Construction Technology Development Innovation in the Way of Facing the Industrial Era 4.0” as well as the Release of Students Field Work Practices in Civil Engineering Program in Wiraraja University
Speaker: Mr. Agus Adi Hidayat, STP., MT
Head of PU Bina Marga, Road Infrastructure Division, Kab. Sumenep
Date: July 16, 2019
Place: Graha Sumekar Univ. Wiraraja
Hopefully this seminar is useful to students as provision to carry out the Job Training
PKL 2019-2020